[TABD] lectureship/curatorship in insect biology post in UK

Blanca Huertas B.Huertas at nhm.ac.uk
Mon Jul 20 13:45:45 BST 2015

Dear All
The advertisement for our new lectureship/curatorship in insect biology is now live at http://www.jobs.cam.ac.uk/job/7403/ . The Further particulars (below) describe the prime responsibilities in this role as:

'to carry out research of the highest standard in some area of evolutionary biology, ecology or conservation science, to teach undergraduates, and to supervise graduate students.  You will also have curatorial responsibility for the insect collections in the University Museum of Zoology, working with the professional collections management staff of the Museum.'

The selection criteria are:

*       An outstanding research record, documented by publication and by the demonstrated ability to attract research funding.

*       A broad knowledge of insect biology.

*       An innovative and focused research agenda in some area of evolutionary biology, ecology or conservation science.

*       The training and expertise to contribute broadly to undergraduate teaching in the area of evolutionary biology, ecology and/or conservation science.

*       Willingness to engage with the process of curation of the insect collections, and with outreach and public engagement activities.

*       A programme of research that will enhance and develop the collections of the Museum.

*       Demonstrated excellence in teaching undergraduates and supervising research students.

*       Curatorial experience in a major research museum or comparable institution.

*       Taxonomic expertise relating to the Museum's insect collections.
*       A track record of commitment to wider responsibilities in a current or previous institution (for example, in research leadership, museum development, and/or public engagement).

If you know of good candidates who might be interested in this post, please do tell them about it.   The deadline for applications is 7 August 2015.


Professor Michael Akam FRS
Professor of Zoology and Head,
Department of Zoology
Downing Street
Cambridge, CB2 3EJ

HOD office and PA (Paula McPhee):  01223 336601
Lab office 01223 330114

Head of Department business:  hod en zoo.cam.ac.uk<mailto:hod en zoo.cam.ac.uk>
research and other email:  m.akam en zoo.cam.ac.uk<mailto:m.akam en zoo.cam.ac.uk>

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