[TABD] 4-6 sept Conferencia Internacional en Mariposas Andinas Peru(icab)

Blanca Huertas B.Huertas at nhm.ac.uk
Sun May 11 17:10:32 BST 2008

Estimados Amigos de la Red: (english version below)
Con agrado anunciamos que ya se encuentran disponibles en la pagina web del proyecto los detalles de la Conferencia Internacional en Mariposas Andinas (4-6 septiembre/2008) incluyendo los simposios hasta ahora confirmados y el formato de inscripcion a la misma. Por favor visite: http://www.andeanbutterflies.org/conf._sp.html
Esperamos contar con la participacion de todos ustedes en este evento clave para el estudio de las mariposas en la region andina!
Un saludo cordial y nos vemos en Peru!
Dear TABDP Friends, 
We have pleasure in announcing that all details about the International Conference on Andean Butterflies (September 4-6/2008) are now available from the project website: http://www.andeanbutterflies.org/conf.html. All other details such as details of symposia and the registration form are also available. 
We hope to see you all at the Conference, which will be a key event for andean butterfly studies.
Best wishes and see you in Peru!

Blanca Huertas MSc DIC

Curator (Lepidoptera)

Entomology Department


The Natural History Museum

75 Kimber Road, Wandsworth

SW18 4NX, London, UK.

Tel.  +44 (0) 20 7942 6215

Fax. +44 (0) 20 8871 4940

TABDProject www.andeanbutterflies.org <https://webmail.nhm.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.andeanbutterflies.org> 


Amazing Butterflies, until 17 August 2008. Explore the life cycle of some of the world's most beautiful creatures this summer in the giant maze and butterfly house at Amazing Butterflies, the new family exhibition at the Museum. http://www.nhm.ac.uk/amazing-butterflies <https://webmail.nhm.ac.uk/exchweb/bin/redir.asp?URL=http://www.nhm.ac.uk/amazing-butterflies> 

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